Looking after your mental and physical health is vital for your wellbeing and your wellbeing is our number one priority.
We know that life can be tough sometimes, and we are here for you when things get difficult. Sometimes knowing where to turn can be a challenge but you are not alone. We’ve outlined some key services to make a note of.
Your SU Advice Centre

^ Your SU Advice Centre Staff
As a student at the University of Plymouth, and a member of your SU, you have access to your very own free, confidential and completely independent SU Advice Centre.
Our dedicated team of friendly advisers can offer help with any wellbeing problems you may encounter, including sexual health, discrimination, bullying, substances, feeling overwhelmed or homesick, financial difficulties, sexual assault and domestic abuse.
We are here to give support through emails, telephone and video calls, and if necessary face-to-face appointments.
What Can We Do?
• Give free, impartial, and confidential advice on a whole host of topics.
• Talk to you about any struggles you are facing and offer practical support.
• Signpost you to relevant support service on and off-campus.
• Provide confidential advice and support if you have been a victim of a crime.
• Help you understand University procedures around bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
• Talk to you about applying for extenuating circumstance or interrupting study if your difficulties are causing you to struggle with your course.
Medical support

^ University of Plymouth Medical Centre
One of the first things on your to-do list when you arrive in Plymouth should be to register with a GP. By registering with a GP you are ensuring that you can access health services quickly if or when you need to.
Luckily, we have the University of Plymouth Medical Centre right on campus too.
If you feel unwell and want advice on what to do please call NHS Direct (Tel: 111).
You can also find out about your nearest GP, pharmacist, dentist or out of hours services here.
Mental health services

Positive mental health is essential for forming new relationships, coping with the challenges of life and maintaining productivity during study to reach your full potential. There is absolutely no shame in saying that you’re struggling with your mental health and there is always help and support available to you.
“Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.”
What is Mental Health? - mentalhealth.gov
Check out the websites below for more help:
Local NHS information - NHS Direct
University of Plymouth Student Services - Online counselling and mental health support
NHS - Every Mind Matters
Young Minds - How to look after yourself while isolating
Plymouth University - Shine - Dealing with loss
University of Plymouth Student Services Hub

^ University of Plymouth Student Hub
The University has its own in-house counselling and wellbeing team, staffed by trained volunteer listeners, counsellors and mental health advisers. If you have any personal or university-related issues that are worrying you, ranging from minor concerns to major issues, please contact them, and they can assist in directing you to the appropriate service.
Please call 01752 587676 or email studentservices@plymouth.ac.uk
If you feel you need immediate support in relation to your mental health, then you can contact the duty Mental Health Advisor (Monday to Thursday 9:00–17:00, Friday 9:00– 16:30) using the above details.
The University Counselling and Mental Health Workers continue to offer appointments using Zoom or via telephone.
Alcohol, substance and drug support

There are a number of services available to you if you need support with alcohol or drug misuse or addiction outside of your university:
Talk To Frank