Why should I bother nominating myself for the Student Elections 2020?


Nominations are now open for the Student Elections 2020. But why bother? 

In a world full of political change running as a Sabbatical Officer of your Students' Union may seem a little small fry, but in reality, by taking on these roles you really can make a significant change.  

Here are just a few of the reasons you should consider nominating yourself today: 


1. Represent over 19,000 Plymouth students. 


If elected you'll be responsible for representing over 19,000 Plymouth University students on a national level. But what does this mean? This means that you'll be responsible for listening to student feedback, finding out what's being done well and what perhaps could be improved. Your job is to work to make those improvements.


2. Shape your Students' Union.


As a Sabbatical Officer you have a direct say in how your SU is run as well as playing a prominent role in improving students' lives. This is your opportunity to campaign on issues affecting your peers, work on developing the strategic direction of UPSU and sit on the Trustee Board of a multi-million pound charity organisation. Not bad for a recent Graduate, eh?* 


3. Enhance your CV and have fun while doing it.


Sound a bit daunting so far? It needn't be. You'll have access to training opportunities throughout your term in office. As an Investors in People Gold accredited organisation we want to help you to be the best you can possibly be. You'll have support from the 60+ full time UPSU staff along the way. 

4. Network and meet new people.


As a Sabbatical Officer you will meet and work with a range of new and interesting people across the University of Plymouth and UPSU on a daily basis. Also, as a Student Representative you may have the opportunity to travel to relevant national conferences and training and meet others like you from other Students' Unions from across the country. 

5. There really is no other role quite like it.


There's no two ways about it, the role of a Sabbatical Officer is vast. One day you could be out talking to students about how we can make our campus more sustainable. The next you could be sitting on the panel of a student appeal hearing. The following day you could be taking part in a national campaign affecting students across the country.

Does this sound like the role for you? Find out more and nominate yourself today. Nominations are open until midday on Wednesday 5th February.  

Got any questions? Visit our Elections page here. 

Something we've missed? Get in touch with our Representation team on studentvoice@su.plymouth.ac.uk


*Please note, you do not have to be graduating this year to stand for a Sabbatical Officer position. For more information on the rules and regulations surrounding the Elections process click here. 

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