Your SU membership, what is it?



By joining the University of Plymouth you’re automatically a member of the Students’ Union (SU).

You don’t need to fill out any of those annoying membership forms, you don’t need to pay any membership fees. You are a member of the best student family in the country, a family of over 18,000 members, a family that supports you and wants to make sure you have the best experience at uni.

The SU is led by students and supported by a team of staff, we are here to support the wellbeing of every student studying with the Uni. We want to make sure you have a successful, fulfilling and rewarding time both at Uni and in the future. We do this by helping you to be empoweredsocially fulfilled and feel more financially secure. We’ll work to ensure that you can learn and grow in an environment where you’re supported and cared for. 

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Any questions about your membership: 

Please contact your SU on: 

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