Your Voice: What are Part-Time Officers and what do they do?


Part-time Officers collate student feedback in relation to their role which represents an area of interest or a student demographic. Part-time Officers work closely with Sabbatical Officers to identify and progress campaigns and to promote and defend the rights of the students they are representing. 

These Officers represent the students that the university classes as being, or who self-define as being; Postgraduates, International, Mature, BAME, LGBT+, Women, Students with Disabilities, Transgender & Non-Binary and those studying at a Partner College. They also represent the following areas of interest; Academic, Welfare, Faith & Belief and Environment & Sustainability. 


Commitment and duties 

This position requires an average commitment of 10 hours per month:


  • Part-time Officers are a key representative link between the student body, the Union and University. You will be expected to proactively engage with the student body and collate any feedback relating to the academic experience of students. You will then present student feedback at relevant university and union meetings in a constructive and professional way. 
  • You will act in the best interests of the students you represent and will help to develop and inform Union policy which will reflect your ongoing research into student opinion. This will enable you to lead on and support others in running campaigns and initiatives to improve the student experience at the University of Plymouth. 
  • With support from UPSU you will communicate important information and outcomes back to the students you represent. You will be expected to maintain a close relationship with other elected representatives, union and university staff who will support you to develop and progress your manifesto points. 


Read a full description of the Part-Time Officer role here.



Roles available:

  • Postgraduate Officer
  • International Students Officer
  • Academic Officer
  • Welfare Officer
  • Faith and Belief Officer
  • Mature Students Officer
  • Environment and Sustainability Officer
  • Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Students Officer
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender + (LGBT+) Students Officer
  • Women’s Officer
  • Disabled Students Officer
  • Transgender and Non-Binary Officer
  • Partner Institutions Officer



To find out more about this or any other representative role, please speak to our Student Voice team – 

Nominations for the Part-Time Elections are open until Tuesday 6th October at 12pm.


View all roles and nominate yourself today Click here
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