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Happy Halloween: what's on + staying safe!

Written by: UPSU

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If you are celebrating Halloween (October 31st), we hope you have some spooktacular plans for this weekend and for Halloween night on Tuesday! 


Here at the SU, we have some exciting, eerie entertainment lined up for after nightfall, as well as some autumnal daytime pumpkin painting! So, join us for some fun this fall and get in the spirit of the spooky season with your SU! 



The Bloody Tea Party!

Join us for tricks, treats and some spooky beats this Saturday 28th October because YOU are invited to The Bloody Tea Party! The fun starts at 22:30 and lasts long past the witching hour. Dress up is not compulsory, but we think you should! This will be a frightfully fun start to your Halloween weekend…Let's get this party star-dead!

Get your tickets here.



Carve out some time for pumpkin painting with Student Led Volunteering!

On Tuesday 31st October, join SLV for some free pumpkin painting in the SU main room from 12:00 - 15:00!

All painting supplies will be provided as well as your pumpkin! Once you have finished, you can then take it home with you to carve!

Please note we have only 50 pumpkins. First come first serve; get there early to avoid missing out!

Find out more here.



The Doll's House

Halloween night (Tuesday 31st October)

Enter the realm of the unknown into The Doll’s House as we celebrate Halloween with a night of cauldrons, cobwebs, and creepy surprises which await you… Whether you stumble into eerie enchantments or have some ghostly encounters, we guarantee a hauntingly good time inside The Doll’s House. So, join us for spine-tingling tunes and dress in your most boo-tiful costumes. See you there, if you dare!

Get your tickets here.



Staying safe on nights out around Halloween:

Whilst we want you to have fun this Halloween, above everything we want you to stay safe.

So, before you head out on a night out this Halloween, there are a few things you should think about to ensure you have the best night possible whilst also keeping yourself and those around you as safe as possible.

Please take some time to look at our webpage: ‘your safety on nights out’ on our website for the latest guidance from your Students’ Union.


Nights out in the SU:

We work closely with local police to ensure that our campus and surrounding area is as safe as possible for our students. We have a number of safety measures, schemes and services which are in place to help keep you safe on nights out at the SU. 

Please familiarise yourself with our important policies and safety services: you never know when you or a friend may need our help.


Using the UPSU Taxi Scheme:

If you need to get home from a night out but have run out of cash or lost your card, you can use the UPSU Taxi Scheme with Need A Cab.

To use the Safe Taxi Scheme, ring 01752 666222 and they will contact you when they arrive, making you aware of their car model and registration number, ensuring you feel safe and secure and know where to go. Use your Student ID to “pay” for your taxi ride and collect it and pay the next day from the SU. 

If you do not order a taxi using the UPSU Taxi Scheme, make sure it is a licensed taxi. If the taxi driver doesn’t know your name – don’t get in! It is always better to pre-book your taxis to and from the venue in advance to ensure you secure your transport.

Find out more here.


Have a wonderful Halloween all, and stay safe!



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