Important information for students in receipt of PIP or DLA who have been refused Universal Credit


Your SU Advice Centre is aware that some students who are entitled to PIP or DLA and who have applied for Universal Credit prior to 5 August 2020 may have had their UC claim refused.

There has been a recent judgement about such cases and you can now ask The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to look again at the decision made which could result in you receiving backdated UC payments which you were entitled to.


You can read the judgement here.


If this happened to you and you made an application for UC before 5 August 2020, please contact the Advice Centre so that we can advise you on what steps to take.

For any students currently receiving PIP or DLA who have not claimed Universal Credit, please contact us so that we can advise you about your current benefit entitlement following the changes in legislation introduced last August.



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