

Welcome to the University of Plymouth Sailing Club's official UPSU page! We are one of the most active clubs in the University, regularly holding a wide range of different Sailing related activities, that are suitable for just about everyone! From a dynamic and exciting mix of Team & Fleet racing for the experienced racers amongst you, to a fun and relaxed Beginner/Social Sailing Session programme.

All of our Sailing sessions are held on Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays, so there are no conflicts with your (already hectic) timetables! This brings the added benefit on a Wednesday, that you can sail all afternoon, and then go out and enjoy our awesome Socials afterwards!

We are a large but really welcoming club that both excels at national competitions, but we also LOVE to welcome new students who are new to sailing and wish to learn an awesome new sport- all while meeting a whole new set of mates, in a great place! (I call that a win-win, don't you?!)

Throughout the year, we run Sailing Sessions from the Mount Batten Activity Centre which costs only £5 for half a day on the water, each also provided with free and friendly instruction (ranging from our own qualified RYA Instructors, to National champions) as well as all the kit you need to get you out on the water! The instructors & coaches will be fellow members of UPSC, so you can have a great laugh aswell as learning how to sail like a champion (in some cases, from a champion!). Your membership goes towards part-funding these session costs, RIB fuel, and the subsidising of trips and events! 


We run a HUGE range of socials every Wednesday evening (both drinking and activity based!) and also some Saturdays. Everybody is welcome and would love to see you all there, whether it be in Togas, Onesies, Cardboard Boxes, or some other wacky theme, that I'm sure the Social Sec masterminds will think up! Either way - it'll be memorable!


We already have a huge amount of awesome events planned for the 2024/25 year! 

Some of these include running Go Sailing sessions, BBQs and games in the day, then getting decidedly more fun as the evening begins, with dedicated prizes, music and a hell of a lot of fun.

This year we are hosting the Plymouth Pasty; universities take part to compete against each other (the socials are also not to miss.)

We also take part in the Team Racing National events, where loads of Universities meet up in one place, go sailing all day, and 'socialising' by night - a fabulous experience! We also enter many other regional events, such as 24 hour races, and specific races, that we know to be fun! Everyone is welcome to trial for the racing squads, and training will be run throughout the year, so you can learn a whole new set of skills!

At the start of the year we will be holding our Sailing Taster sessions which are ideal for people who wish to experience what sailing is like without having to pay membership (but we hope you'll enjoy it so much, you'll decide to join us!)

Every Christmas and Summer term, we organise dinners, where we all go to a restaurant, have a fantastic meal, and we present prizes to members for a wide variety of reasons! It's a great experience, as you get to see some of your friends in suits - loads of laughter guaranteed (especially as we all go out in suits afterwards!).

2024-25 comes with another jam packed summer holiday on our very own self skippered yachts out in the deep blue Ionian sea sailing around the islands of Croatia, and Greece!

And, as always, follow our socials and join our Whatsapp group for full details on all of the above, and LOADS more - all the links you need are below! (Go on, we DARE you!)



Through sailing we experience the incredible force of the ocean but as we are sure you all know it has been having a rough time at the mo and we feel a responsibility to do our bit to protect and preserve this GORGEOUS planet!

The sense of community that the Green Blue provides, we believe, is invaluable in really making a difference. This is why UPSC is proud to be a part of the fabulous Green Blue, University Sailing Sustainability Challenge 24-25! We will be undertaking AS MANY SUSTAINABLE ACTIONS AS WE CAN THROUGHOUT THE ACADEMIC YEAR and would love your support! So, let's clean those beaches, re-use those bottles, fly those posters and oh so much more! 

For more info please do check out the Green Blue website (thegreenblue.org.uk), social media pages @TheGreenBlue, follow the hashtag #GreenBlueUniChallenge, give us a message or get in contact with your Sustainability Officer!



On behalf of the UPSC Committee, we wish you a great year here in Plymouth and we do hope to see you out on the water sometime during the year! If you are ever unsure how to get involved, please either message our page, or contact one of our committee members (listed in the group below) and we would love to get you involved. See you soon!

Join our 2024-2025 private Whatsapp Group for up to date information on the weekly sessions and upcoming trips and socials.


Also, like our page to keep up to date with the whole club's activities and information!?

PLUS! We run a frankly awesome Instagram where we post pictures of our members rippin’ around the sound, and various other beautiful pics give us a cheeky follow @plymunisail !

UPSC - RNLI Station Tour
1st April 6:30pm - 9pm
Plymouth RNLI Station, Old Custom House, Custom House Ln, Plymouth PL1 3TG
  • Member t-Shirts 2024£15.00
  • Race Team Tickets£5.00
  • Late Match racing payment£80.00
  • T-shirt and quarter zip£57.00
Socials & Contact


  • Sailing Standard Membership£50.00
  • Sailing Committee Membership£40.00
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