Partner Colleges

though you may be studying away from Plymouth, We're still here for you!

UPSU exists to ensure all students of the University of Plymouth have a voice, fulfil their potential and have their academic interests supported - that includes all students at our partner colleges!

We provide free independent advice, support sports clubs and societies, run sports facilitites, provide volunteering opportunties and organise entertainment and events. 

We represent a collective voice of University of Plymouth students, led by four elected Sabbatical Officers and are overseen by a Trustee Board. This ensures we always have students at the heart of what we do. 

Though you may be studying away from the main Plymouth campus, UPSU is still dedicated to supporting you through your time as a student!

We will use this page to share events and news that are relevant to you as a partner student, but remember you are welcome to get involved with anything and everything at our Plymouth campus too! 

Representation is at the heart of what we do , whether this to to help you share ideas about your course or to run a campaign you feel passionate about, we are here to support you, so email our Student Voice team if you want support making change on your campus.

Email Student Voice


keep in touch with us

As a student of University of Plymouth, you have your own UoP student email account. It is important you keep checking this account to ensure you don't miss out on any opportunities or news. If you're unsure of the details of your UoP email account, please contact the HE Admin team at your partner college who will be able to provide you with this information.

If you don't want to worry about checking multiple accounts, don't worry, you can change your settings to automatically forward on emails to an email of your choice- this could be your partner college email!

  1. Decide which of your email accounts you use most often. 
  2. Go to File and then Account Settings in your other email account, select 'set up a foward.'
  3. Enter your most used email address. 
  4. You're done! Stay updated and informed on all things UoP and UPSU.



Your freshers' 23 round up!

Written by: UPSU

Tue 26 Sep 2023

University Extenuating Circumstances Workshop

Written by: UPSU

Thu 16 Nov 2023

A guide to student bank accounts

Written by: UPSU

Wed 30 Aug 2023

Making Money Last

Written by: SU Advice

Thu 10 Aug 2023

Stop Loan Sharks: be aware of who you borrow from!

Written by: National Association of Student Money Advisers

Thu 12 Oct 2023

Support for International Students

Written by: UPSU

Mon 06 Nov 2023

10 top tips for moving into your new student home

Written by: UPSU Advice

Mon 04 Sep 2023

Accessing student-only deals and discounts!

Written by: UPSU

Thu 10 Aug 2023

Representation Events throughout November

Written by: UPSU

Wed 01 Nov 2023

Design our next Freshers Tote Bags and WIN!

Written by: UPSU

Mon 26 Jun 2023

Apps worth knowing if you are Plym student

Written by: UPSU

Wed 27 Sep 2023
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