Raise & Give (RAG)

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Welcome to Plymouth Raise and Give's Student Union Site!

Here, you can access our memberships, as well as see our links with UPSU! To reach our information website, please see www.plymouthraiseandgive.com!


Our membership is free and gives you access to all of our socials, as well as information about volunteering and fundraising opportunities throughout the year! Please register your interest if you are interested in becoming a member!


Eachyear, Raise and Give selects new, fun and exciting adventures, available for all students to sign up for. This year we entered into our 11-year long partnership with Choose a Challenge, who offer some amazing adventures for charities close to our hearts. If you would like to take part in the experience of a lifetime, check out our adventures below and get started!

2023/24 Challenges 

  • Kilimanjaro Trek - Meningitis Research Foundation
  • Machu Picchu Trek - Restless Development
  • Morocco High Atlas Mountain Trek - WWF
  • Thres Peaks Trek - Marie Curie

Take Part

Register your interest to take part here. Don't forget to sign-up for your free RAG membership too!

Want More Information?

Check out our Instagram, Facebook or email at us challenges@plymouthraiseandgive.com


Raise and Give hosts a range of events throughout the year. The profits raised from the events are divided equally between our 'Chosen Charities' as a donation. Keep a look out for our 2023/24 events coming soon!


Following pitch-days, charities are short-listed by the committee into three election pots which are then eligible to be voted on by the entire student body. The selected 'Chosen Charities' is the charity with a majority vote from each of the election pots. This year chosen charities are:

  • The British Heart Foundation
  • Trevi
  • Devon Air Ambulance

For a collated- summary of each charity, click here.

Want More Information?

If you have any ideas or want further information on events or events related volunteering opportunities, please reach out to Lily, our Vice-President Events, via Instagram, Facebook or events@plymouthraiseandgive.com


Our social secretary, Tia, has many great ideas planned for our socials (drinking AND sober) this year including:

  • Night outs
  • Meals out (with a vote as to where we go)
  • PJ nights with films and snacks
  • Karaoke nights
  • Coffee catch-ups

For more information, check out our Instagram, Facebook or email us at socialsecretary@plymouthraiseandgive.com


New for 2023/24, we are introducing our Communtiy Volunteering Officers! Lucie and Ruby are joining Raise and Give to allow us to begin partnering students who may want to volunteer, and the community! We will be seeking our for volunteers for communtiy events throughout the year, so make sure you have joined our membership and our 'Lounge' to stay in touch!

Sponsorship and Partnership

Are you a society, sports club or business? 

Are you looking to support us to ensure we can continue to aid student fundraising and volunteering? Or, Is there an event you would like to collaborate on? 

We are keen to hear about any partnership or sponsorship opportunities so please reach out to us via our email: volunteering@plymouthraiseandgive.com

There are currently no upcoming events.


  • Standard Membership£5.00
  • RAG Challenge Membership£5.00
  • RAG Committee Membership£0.00
Health and Safety Officer
Henry Clarke
Olivia Potts
Chloe Ball


  • Standard Membership£5.00
  • RAG Challenge Membership£5.00
  • RAG Committee Membership£0.00
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