I have feedback I would like to share, where can I do this?
Your first point of contact for matters related to your academic experience, and affects other people on your course, is your Course Rep.
You can also submit feedback via the ‘Make a Change’ function on the UPSU website Make a Change (upsu.com) to report all feedback both relating to concerns or problems you are having on your course,
or regarding positive development ideas that could make your course, or university experience even better. This information will be passed onto the Student Voice Team who will then pass your feedback on accordingly.
For feedback that solely affects you, please speak to your Programme Leader
If you would like some personal support and guidance related to academic offences, money, wellbeing, accommodation and much more, get in contact with our free, independent Advice Team at advice@su.plymouth.ac.uk.
Alternatively, visit upsu.com/advice.