Course Reps

A Course Rep is a student that is either elected or self-nominated to represent the students on their course’s academic feedback. They provide a paramount link between students, University Staff, and UPSU.  

Course Reps listen to their cohort's views and share that information with staff who can then act by making any necessary changes. Afterwards, they close the feedback loop to make their peers aware of the impact that their feedback has had. 

If needed, the Course Reps can escalate feedback to the School Rep if the feedback affects multiple courses across the School or is more complex.

To find out who your Course Rep(s) are, visit Search for a Rep (


*Q Role of Course Reps

*L Collect balanced and constructive feedback to identify trends, issues, and concerns that affect the majority of students.

*L Keep students informed about how their feedback has been progressed and acted upon.

*L Engage with peers on their course to gather feedback on their experiences and views about the course.

*L Signpost students with non-academic concerns to the appropriate services or contacts.

*L Participate in Student-Staff Liaison Committees to communicate feedback and negotiate outcomes with staff, working towards resolving feedback.

*QWhy become a Course Rep?

*L To strengthen student representation - amplify students' voices and improve the university experience

*L Get to know other people - you can make friends with other Course Reps in your School or Faculty!

*L Transferable Skills - gain attractive transferable skills such as teamwork, collecting data, public speaking and negotiation. 

*Q How do I become a Course Rep?

*A Dependent on your Programme Leader, Course Reps are either elected or self-nominated - so your first person to contact is them! In September, first year and postgraduate students will be recruited, and then Programme Staff will share information with the Students' Union. Typically, returning Course Reps are recruited in Semester 2. 

*A If you're not a Course Rep but you'd like to be, speak to your Programme Leader! 

*Q I don't want to be a Course Rep but I'd like to be involved with Representation. 

*A Super! Have you thought about joining our student-led Networks? Networks are an exciting way for students to build communities and create change through collective action. They can lead campaigns, hold forums and organise social events. They are shaped by those they support. We feel they best represent the wide range of students we have at the University of Plymouth! Replacing our previous structure of individual part-time officers, each Network represents a specific group of students, with a more collaborative, community approach. To find out more, or to join a Network, visit our Networks Page:


*A We currently have the following Networks: 

*L Apprenticeships


*L Care Leavers

*L Environment & Sustainability

*L First Gen

*L International Students


*L Mature Students

*L Men's

*L Postgraduate

*L Students with Disabilities

*L Women's

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