Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business

The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business consists of three Schools:

  • School of Art, Design and Architecture
  • Plymouth Business School
  • School of Society and Culture


The 24/25 Faculty Representative for the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business is Josh Frost, who is also your VP Activities.  

The Faculty Representative for Arts, Humanities and Business represents the academic interests of all students in the Faculty, attending the high level academic meetings such as the Faculty Teaching and Learning Quality Committee (chaired by the Associate Deans for Education and Student Experience, and attended by Associate Heads of School and School Reps in the Faculty), and works closely with the School Reps across the three Schools to improve the student experience. 

Each School has a School Rep who works with your Course Reps to escalate feedback and ensure it gets to the right people, as well as advocating for an improved student experience in your School. They also work very closely with the Faculty Representative to identify patterns and trends across the Faculty.

Your School Reps for 24/25 are:


To find more information about what your School Reps are working on to improve the student experience in your School, or to contact them, take a look at our School Reps page



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