Faculty of Science and Engineering

The Faculty of Science and Engineering is made up of three Schools:

  • School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics (SECaM)
  • School of Biological and Marine Science (SoBMS)
  • School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SoGGES)


Each School has a School Rep, and they are:

  • School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics: Vacant
  • School of Biological and Marine Science: Kate Inman
  • School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences: Adam Holt


Alongside the School Rep, the Faculty is also represented by a Faculty Rep. The Faculty Rep is one of the Full-Time Sabbatical Officers, who support academic representation within their Faculty, alongside their other focuses as a Sabbatical Officer.

The Faculty Rep for the Faculty of Science and Engineering is: Krupa Naik (VP Wellbeing & Diversity).

The Faculty of Science and Engineering also has an extra rep role, compared to the other Faculties. The Subject Rep role fits in between the School Reps and Course Reps, and represents groups of Courses around the same subject area, and attend the School Teaching, Learning and Quality Committees with the School Reps.

The Faculty of Science and Engineering is supported by Charlie Atkinson in the Student Voice team. You can get in contact at charlie.atkinson@su.plymouth.ac.uk.

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