Here If You Need

This campaign has been created to help build a better sense of community and approachability within clubs & societies for women. In doing so, we hope that a feeling of safety will be felt around campus and the city.

The aims are to help female mental health and well-being by providing a safe space for women to talk, setting up new tools nights out and to help reduce conflict within clubs & societies by reducing the sterotypes and animosty that have arisen.

Mitch Laughton (VP Activities 2022-23) & Isla Symons (Netball Chair 2022-23 and VP Activities 2023-24)

We’re all about women’s mental health, well-being, and safety of the women in and around UPSU

What is the issue and how has this been identified?
Identifying the divide between female clubs and societies. As chair of the Netball Club Isla Symons has had to sort issues which arose from stereotypes surrounding other societies. Which can lead to unnecessary conflict between clubs and societies.

How is the issue impacting students how this will be addressed?
This issue can create animosity between different female clubs and societies which can negatively affect engagement and opportunity to participate with each other. As well as this conflict can cause mental health problems to arise such as isolation, exclusion and confrontation all of which negatively effect students and their well-being.
The proposed activities to address this: is to hold mental health drop-in sessions with wellbeing advocates, Give it a Go of each other’s sports and societies. Female only events in the SU main room, guest speakers. Raise awareness of safety numbers and procedures available to women.

What difference will the activity make for students?
Better sense of community and approachability between clubs and societies. Providing a feeling of safety either around campus or outside of university seeing more familiar faces and creating a female community both within and outside of the SU.

What are the overall aims of the activity?
Aims are to help female mental health and provide the opportunity for women to talk in a safe space. This will improve female well-being. To provide tools to help female safety on club and society nights out (e.g. providing numbers for female based help lines if girls find they end up losing friends). Aiming to bring a sense of community to females who are any part of a club or society.

Credit goes to University of Plymouth student, Charlotte Jones, who designed the logos being used in this campaign.

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