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Students with Disabilities
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The Students with Disabilities Network aims to bring together students with shared characteristics or experiences to create a community of support and friendship.

By being an active member, you could actively influence change within the University or UPSU to benefit the wider student experience.

As the Network is led by students, you can do whatever you feel is best to run it, whether that be lobbying for change, meeting to discuss lived experiences, or holding social events.

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Support groups

ADHD Peer Support group:

Meet on a Wednesday at 6pm in the Pastoral and Spiritual Centre.
Join fellow students for a weekly peer-to-peer session for those with ADHD.

These sessions will be an informal space to share their journey and support each other.
No formal diagnosis needed. The group serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking information, support, and a sense of community. Group members can share personal experiences, coping strategies, and helpful resources. It provides a platform to discuss challenges, celebrate successes, and exchange practical advice for managing ADHD in various aspects of life, such as education, career, relationships, and self-care.

The group encourages open dialogue, education, and destigmatisation of ADHD. By debunking popular myths and fostering understanding, it promotes empathy and acceptance for individuals with ADHD, helping to create a more inclusive and supportive society.
Students do not have to disclose whether they have a diagnosis and are not obliged to attend every week: students are welcome to come when they want (and when they remember). They don’t even have to be on time! It is a safe space for students to not feel the need to mask or compensate.

If you would like more information about the ADHD group, please feel free to contact me at Please note that this group is not run by the University of Plymouth.
If you have an ADHD diagnosis or have been referred for an ADHD assessment, make sure to speak with Student Services about disability support. To contact Student Services, you can call 01752 587676, email or visit them in the Student Hub in the library.

Autism Support Group:

PAS is a social and support group for students by students who have an autism spectrum diagnosis, led by Disability Advisors. Describing the group, students say that it is ‘a group for those with autism spectrum disorders, where we can meet up weekly with like-minded people, giving us the opportunity to be ourselves and gain confidence with other people in a social environment'. The group aims to be a fun environment and give members a chance to explore topics related to University life and try new activities.

The group takes place every Wednesday from 15:30 to 17:00 during term-time at the Pastoral and Spiritual Support Centre. Free refreshments are available.

New members are welcome but please contact the Student Hub before attending for the first time.

ADHD Peer Support Group (term-time only)
19th March 5:30pm - 6:45pm
Pastoral and Spiritual Centre
Providing peer support for students with ADHD.
ADHD Peer Support Group (term-time only)
26th March 5:30pm - 6:45pm
Pastoral and Spiritual Centre
Providing peer support for students with ADHD.
ADHD Peer Support Group (term-time only)
2nd April 5:30pm - 6:45pm
Pastoral and Spiritual Centre
Providing peer support for students with ADHD.
ADHD Peer Support Group (term-time only)
9th April 5:30pm - 6:45pm
Pastoral and Spiritual Centre
Providing peer support for students with ADHD.
ADHD Peer Support Group (term-time only)
16th April 5:30pm - 6:45pm
Pastoral and Spiritual Centre
Providing peer support for students with ADHD.
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