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Posters on noticeboards around campus asking for your view to help with research projects in exchanges for money / food, this space is basically the digital version of that.
Looking for student views or participants? Post your request below to help you with your research. It’s always good to include an incentive for feedback or participation. We understand that it may not be possible, but we also know there are lots of students out there who just want to help someone out.
Looking for something back for your time? This is a great place to give feedback or sign up to participate in research while potentially getting something in return for your time. In the past this has been free pizza, amazon vouchers, cash, shopping vouchers it could be anything to say thank you for your time.
Submit your project
Reward: free
Reward: £100, tech worth up to £400 or 2 x £500 vouchers
Reward: £50 Draw
Reward: £8/hr amazon voucher
Reward: £20 amazon voucher draw