Autism motion capture study

Reward: £20

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Autism motion capture study! Help our understanding of communication in Autism.

- Be 18+ years old
- Be autistic (professional or self diagnosed)
- Not be on medication that impacts motor function.

This experiment looks at movement differences in autistic populations. In includes:

- A session of motion capture, which involves small motion capture nodes being stuck on your hand/arm using some double sided tape. Then recording your motion while picking up/moving objects around on a table (roughly 45-50 mins).

- A session of video recording, which involves recording you moving objects around, just like the motion capture, with a green screen behind you and ring lights highlighting your movements. Only your arm/hand will be recorded in the videos (roughly 15-20 mins).

- 2 questionnaires completed on a laptop to look at traits on Autism and Schizotypy (roughly 20 minuets)

This study takes place at InterCity Place (the tall building at the train station) and is booked for 2 hours, meaning you will receive £20 cash!

Please email for any further details:


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