Research project about how you spend your time now you live in the UK

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Are you an International Student?

Have you been living in the UK for up to 3 years?

Interested in a research project about how you spend your time now you live in the UK?

My name is Poppy and I’m a second year MSc Occupational Therapy (Pre-registration) student. My topic of research is looking at international students and how they engage in meaningful occupations whilst living in the UK.

Occupation = any activity that you do – this could be a hobby or a sport; it could be something you do day to day like preparing your favourite meal or taking a bath.

If you are interested in the study and would like to know more, please contact: or

Thank you for your interest!


If you have any concerns or complaints about the ethical conduct of this study, please contact the Research Administrator, Faculty of Health Research Ethics and Integrity Committee, University of Plymouth, Level 2 Marine Building, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA


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