
A Cappella Soc

A Cappella is a family connected by music. We are a warm and welcoming society who encourage our members to mix and make friends. Whether you’re a trained singer or someone who just likes to sing in the shower we invite you to join our family! There are no auditions, just come along for a free taster session; whether you join in September or April the first three sessions are always a free taster, no membership required!
Our Typical Sessions:

Usually, we have a rehearsal session every Thursday from 7:00pm until 9:00pm. Rehearsals will take place in Rolle 115. Everyone is welcome to arrive from 6:45pm to give you a chance to settle in before we start the session!

  • Our sessions start with a warm welcome from our Chair along with any updates and decisions on sessions, socials, and events.
  • The Musical Director (MD) or the Assistant Musical Directors (AMDs) lead the warm-up and teach the arrangements. Although typically these arrangements are created by our MD/AMDs, any member can come up with a musical arrangement, either alone or with the assistance of the MD or AMDs and then teach it to the society.
  • We have two 50-minute periods of learning the arrangements, in between which we have a 15 to 20-minute break where you can grab a drink/snack and have a chat with your fellow members.

Events and Performances:

  • We aim to have at least 3 to 5 performances this year. It is not mandatory that you attend the performances, it is completely your choice. Soloists are chosen on a voluntarily basis.

Community and Socials:

  • This year the committee has decided we would like to help some of the more nervous students out by offering to have one-on-one chats with you where we can talk about anything you like; moving away from home, finding friends, learning how to be constructive and organised with your course. We are here to help!
  • This year we are sponsored by Twist Board Game Cafe, Mrs Browns Bakes and Roam Brewery!
  • We also aim to have a least 2 socials every month, outside of our usual sessions, which can either be hosted by one of our sponsors or elsewhere depending on the activity. This will usually be a mix of 1 sober social and 1 drinking social each month but will vary.
These deals with any of our sponsors can only be redeemed with the A Cappella membership card and are subject to change annually.


  • Your first 3 sessions are free, after which you will be subject to a membership fee of £5 for the whole year.
  • Paid members get a membership card which, when shown at Twist Board Game Cafe, Mrs Browns Bakes or Roam Brewery entitles you to exclusive membership deals.
  • Membership also entitles you to attend our socials which are often free of charge.

We look forward to meeting you soon and welcoming you to our musical family. If you have any questions do not hesitate to email us at: plymouthacappella@gmail.com or message us on our Facebook or Instagram pages!

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  • A Cappella Soc Standard Membership£5.00
  • A Cappella Soc Committee Membership£5.00
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