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Who are we?

In the Environmental Society (also known as Enviro Soc), we aim to bring people together who are passionate about the environment and all things green no matter what you study or your background. We want to inspire and engage people by creating conversations and debates while having lots of laughs along the way.

Socials and Events 

Upcoming Events

  • Nature Walk at Totnes (28th February, 10:00 at Plymouth Railway Station)

Please fill in the Emergency Contact Form to Join the Nature Walk:  https://forms.gle/xJk6yvy9UeBRCCgm8

...and many more coming soon! 

Past Events 

  • Litter picks supported by Clean Our Patch
  • A beach clean with Marine Conservation Society (MCS)
  • A fashion swap shop with NUW 
  • Quiz Night with Surfers Against Sewage (SAS)

Attending our events will allow you to:

  • Enhance your knowledge - listen to talks from guest speakers and lecturers on a range of different subjects. 
  • Broaden your perspective - take part in or watch debates from experts on fracking and other contentious environmental issues. 
  • Make a difference - involve yourself in activities from beach cleans to volunteering and everything in between. 
  • Share ideas – regular meets and coffee mornings will take place to exchange ideas with like-minded people. 

Members-Only Facebook Group:

Once you have purchased your membership please join our private Facebook group where we will post updates on the society and any events we are running.


Partners & Sponsors 

Every member gets a revolution code which gives you exclusive discounts!


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