
Midwifery Society

We are back! 

Introducing your MidSoc back up and running for 2024! We really appreciate your patience with us while we were getting back up and running, and a massive thankyou to everyone who helped us get this far. For most of us this is our first time on a committee so there may be a little bit of a learning curve, but if you bear with us, we are hoping to plan a year full of fun and some educational activies to celebrate the amazing community that is our aspiring and students midwives.

The first step is welcoming you all to our society, and then we will start getting things planned. Feel free to email us with any questions or ideas for the future, we are always happy to take suggestions!

About us:

Plymouth Midwifery Society is a support network for aspiring midwives, student midwives and anyone interested in providing care for women. The society has opportunities for members to gain lifelong learning through study days, workshops and speakers to expand academic horizons. We aim to support and celebrate you and your achievements throughout your time at the University of Plymouth, as well as support and enable your study and awareness of all things that affect maternity care. 

What to do next: 

Membership for this year is £2 per person, if there are any issues with this, please do contact us and we can discuss options. Paying the membership fee helps us get things up and running, however moving forwards there may be additional payments for some events; we will do our best to keep prices as low as possible and make things accessible for everyone. 

Follow us on Instagram @midsoc_upsu (we know its a little boring at the minute but bear with for the time being, it's about to get really exciting!) to stay updated on all things MidSoc.

Contact Us: 

Email us - midsoc_upsu@gmail.com 

Instagram us - midsoc_upsu 


Comic Relief Bake Sale
18th March 10am - 3pm
SU Entrance
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  • Midwifery Society - Standard Membership£2.00
  • Midwifery Society - Committee Membership£2.00
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