
Politics and International Relations

Politics and International Relations Soc (PIR Soc) 

Welcome to the Politics and International Relations Society, where the world is your classroom, and diplomacy is your playground! Our society is dedicated to enriching the academic and extracurricular experiences of students interested in global politics and international affairs.

Committee Members:

President: Morissa Johnson

Secretary: Jeremy Banfield

Treasurer: Adam Smyth

Health and Safety: Jamie Crosby

Social Secretary: Phoebe Tunmore

Social Secretary: Charlie Stevens

Sports Manager: Henry Robinson

All of the above can be contacted via email: 


Via our social media accounts:

@pirsocplym (Instagram)

@pirsocfc (Football Instagram)

@Politics and International Relations Society- Plymouth (Facebook)


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  • Politics and International Relations - Standard Membership£3.00
  • Politics and International Relations - Commitee Membership£0.00
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