
PLUGS (Guides and Scouts)


We are a society of Scouts and Guides based at the University of Plymouth. PLUGS is part of the national Student Scout and Guide Organisation (SSAGO) which allows us to stay in-touch and connected with groups of other like-minded people. SSAGO operates throughout the country and by joining PLUGS you can continue your Scouting and Guiding journeys into your university life. PLUGS provides a relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere where all those that wish to be involved with Scouting and Guiding can meet up and socialise.


PLUGS provides its members with a balanced and varied programme that will, hopefully, cater to everybodies interests. We meet once or twice a week on a Monday or Friday night to take part in a variety of different actitivities, these consist of either a drinking social, an active social or quiet(er) social on a monthly cycle. Over the last year these activities have consisted of Taskmaster, various hikes, archery and our annual "Drinker's Badge" social. Alongside the weekly activities we attend at least one camping trip per term, these are hosted by other SSAGO clubs all around the country and give a unique opportunity to meet students from other universities all over the country. We can also provide a strong link into local Scouting and Guiding within Plymouth too if you wish to volunteer as a leader.


There are currently no upcoming events.
  • Additional PLUG Neckers£5.00
  • FINAL CHANCE: PLUGs Hoodie£26.75
  • FINAL CHANCE: T-shirts£10.75


  • PLUGS (Guides and Scouts) - Returning Member£15.00
  • PLUGS (Guides and Scoutes) - New Member (Necker Included)£20.00
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