Please note: These pages are for committee members of sports clubs and societies.

The Students' Union hire in vehicles from a local leasing company. The transport department is operated to support student activities, vehicles can also be booked to be used while on Students' Union business

New Driver Registration Form


There are now two main types of driving licences

  • Drivers who passed their driving tests before 1st January 1997 have full entitlements to drive minibuses and tow trailers. Categories include B, D1, BE, and D1E. Please note that holders of a D1 (101) and D1E (101) licenses can only drive for 'hire or reward' under a section 19 or 22 permit. Approved Driver Registration and a minibus course may still be required dependant on driving experience.
  • Drivers who passed their tests after January 1st 1997 only have Category B (car)

Drivers who passed their tests after January 1st 1997 are, however, legally able to drive minibuses, without need for a DVLA D1 test, if they meet the following conditions:

  • The driver is at least 21 years of age
  • The driver has held a full B licence issued in the UK for at least three years
  • The driver receives no payment or other consideration for driving the vehicle
  • The vehicle has a maximum authorised mass of no more than 3500kg (unless adapted for accessibility)
  • There is no trailer attached
  • The vehicle is to be used for social purposes by a non-commercial body. (This extends to private use of a vehicle otherwise used under permit.)
  • When driving for UPSU, a Section 19 Permit is clearly displayed on the Minibus
  • Employees: see the Transport Administrator for information & advice.

All drivers must have an approved drivers card, which is renewed annually through Transport Administration in the Hive.

All drivers who drive for the Union must by law be volunteers and therefore cannot be paid for driving.

The Transport Department reserves the right to remove the privilege of being able to drive Union Vehicles. This may be done if a serious incident occurs, or complaints are made about a driver. Reassessments may be carried out in some situations. Serious incidents & complaints will be referred through the Students' Union Disciplinary procedure. Any complaint or incident will be dealt with on an individual basis, depending on the nature of the situation.

Paying for a Vehicle use

When booking the vehicle you agree to pay for its use, and that is why permission must be sought from the Treasurer of the relevant club or society. Vehicle charges are calculated on a regular basis, and are automatically transferred from your SU account. On confirmation of a booking, a purchase order will be raised against your account until the charges have been deducted

Failure to complete the Transport Usage Form with the correct mileage will result in a charge being made at a default rate, which will be more than the normal SU charges.


It is sometimes not possible to cancel a vehicle if the Transport Department has had to hire in additional vehicles from local companies. Whilst we have good relationships with our hire companies and it's often possible to cancel, this is not guaranteed. Vehicle bookings may be cancelled up to 48 hours without charge Cancellation charges operate as follows:

  • Cancellation more than 48 hours in advance 0% of total loan charge
  • Cancellation 48-24 hours in advance 50% of total loan charge
  • Cancellation less than 24 hours notice 100% or total loan charge

Plus insurance costs

When cancellations occur due to an outside influence, such as weather, cancellations will be considered on an individual basis.

Booking & Usage Procedure

If you require a minibus, MPV, car, or van through the Students' Union, this is the procedure:

  1. Create a new activity from your student group admin and complete the transport booking form. This covers all the trip details, i.e. where you are going, what you are doing, etc. This form must be signed by the treasurer and the driver.
  2. Before collecting keys from security, the list of everybody travelling and going on the trip must be entered on the back of an External Activities Form. These are also available online or from the Hive main reception.
  3. Collect the vehicle keys from the Hive (10am - 3.00pm) or the Venue Managers Office. You must hand in the External Activities Form and show your approved drivers card.

Failure to do either of these will result in the vehicle keys not being issued.

Bookings are processed on a "first-come-first-served" basis. We will always try to accommodate your requests, but even if your booking is not late, there is NO guarantee that the Transport Department will be able to fulfil it.

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