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Welcome to the University of Plymouth Tennis Club (UPTC)

The University of Plymouth Tennis Club welcomes players of all abilities, whether you are a first time player with no previous experience or a player with plenty of match experience! UPTC offers a tremendous amount of opportunities for all our members, so be sure to join one of the most exciting, family-like clubs on campus!

Our typical UPTC schedule is as follows:

  • Monday: 1st Team Training
  • Tuesday: 2nd Team Training
  • Wednesday: Social Play (12:00-16:00) + Possible Social
  • Thursday: Padel Tennis (Evening)
  • Friday: Possible Social
  • Saturday: 1st & 2nd Team Training 
  • Sunday: Social Play (12:00-16:00)


Social Play

Social play is open to all members of any ability, doesn't matter if you've never picked up a racket or been playing for years. There will always be someone at social play that can help you improve and develop your game. If you don't own a racket someone will always be on hand to lend you one. These sessions are a perfect opportunity for new members to socialise and get to know other members within the club!

If you wish to, members of social play also have opportunities to compete against one another in organised friendly matches as well as friendly matches against neighbouring universities such as Exeter, Bristol, Falmouth and more, which can help you develop your skills and leads to a nice, social day!


Padel Tennis

Every Thursday, from 6-8pm, we hold Padel Tennis sessions up at Marjon's sports centre! We usually have some people offering lifts up there, or will have a committee member leading a group up on the bus at around 5pm. If you have any questions about how to get involved, don't hesitate to give us a message on our Instagram page @uptc_



UPTC has both mens and ladies first teams that compete in BUCS as well as a mens second team (British Universities & Colleges Sport). Both the 1st teams train together on Mondays and Saturdays, with the Monday session being run by our coach. We also have opportunities for teams to compete to local leagues.


Themed Socials

Usually on a Wednesday night, we have a themed social, where we dress up in wacky and fun outfits and bar hop our way around town! Its a great way to meet new people and socialise as a group!

We also host a variety of non-night out related social events throughout the year such as bowling nights, curry nights, match days, quiz nights and much more!


Other events

We also run other special events throughout the year where every club member is more than welcome to participate, such as:

  • Volunteering and charity events
  • Padel tennis sessions
  • 24hr charity rally
  • Our Christmas dinner and annual UPTC awards
  • Finals day (Summer BBQ with friendly matches played amongst members)

The membership fee is £50, which gives you access to: 2 social play days and 1 padel tennis session every week, training sessions for those who make the teams, as well as priceless experiences!

If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our committee on our Facebook or Instagram pages.



This year we are excited to share with you our new Kit collection provided by Fitness for Sport and our team Kit provided by Rhino.

Leisure and Social:

Team Kit: Produced by Rhino. Coming soon.


Committee 2023/24:

  • Chair: Ryan Compton
  • Vice-Chair: Fin Black
  • Treasurer: Ross Barton
  • Equipment and Safety Sec: Charlotte Cross
  • 1st Team Captain (M): Tom Bradshaw
  • 1st Team Captain (F): Emily Pardy
  • 2nd Team Captain (M) : Andrew Johnston
  • 2nd Team Captain (F): Corinne Firoozmand
  • Social Sec: Tom Wells
  • Social Sec: Percy Thirkell
  • Events and Fundraising Sec: Megan Walsh
  • Tournament Sec/LTA Ambassador: Thalia Stinton
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Sec: Ellie Clist
  • Padel Tennis Sec: Xavianne Howman

Follow us on:

Facebook: University of Plymouth Tennis Club 2023/24 -

Instagram: @uptc_

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