

About Us and Our Teams

Plymouth University Storm Cheerleaders are a club that welcomes all students and all levels of ability. We create opportunities for athletes who want to compete at the higher levels, and students who want to keep fit and have fun as well as getting to know other sports clubs in a social environment.

We hold taster sessions at the start of the year to introduce people to the sport as we welcome people to join our spirit and competition squads.

Our teams: 

Sideline - our sideline team is a non-competition team, who will cheer on players at University of Plymouth games, including basketball, football, and American football. This involves chants, poms and signs. Tryouts are not needed to be a part of sideline, everyone is welcome to be a part of this low-cost, low-commitment team. Training takes places on the first Saturday of each month 4-5pm.

Spirit - our non-competition team. We practice stunts up to level 2, tumble, jumps and dance. learning a comp-style routine, with the addition of poms and signs. They have the opportunity to perform at Plymouth Storm annual showcase and varsity. Tryouts are not needed to be a part of Spirit, everyone is welcome. We train Sunday 1-3pm.

Training team - this team helps athletes to learn the skills required for competitive cheer, without attending competitions, to help athletes improve and create new opportunities. This team will also be performing at our annual showcase. Places on our training team are given to those athletes who tried out for a competition team, but were unsuccessful. Training takes place on Saturdays 4-6.30pm.

Competition teams - Level 1 and Level 2 - competition cheerleading involves performing a 2.5 minute routine, made up of stunts, jumps, tumbles, and dance. This year, we will be attending 3 competitions around the UK, competing against other All-Star Cheer teams and Universities. In addition to performing at the annual Storm showcase, to family, friends and alumni. All athletes must tryout to be on a competition team, tryouts take place in late September. 



As a team we hold weekly themed socials on a Wednesday, where we enjoy a night at fishies with other sports clubs. Alongside sober socials previously including bowling and trampoline parks. These socials are a great way to socialise and develop great relationships within the team. We also enjoy two group meals one at Christmas and an awards meal at the end of the year to celebrate our successes as a team.


We have many events throughout the year. Our competition squads attend 3 competitions a year. Our Sideline team attends regular American Football, Basketball and Lacrosse games, including during varrsity week! We also hold multiple fundraising events across the year such as the Cheerathon, cake sales and joint fundraisers with other clubs and societies on campus! We also hold an annual Cheer showcase, allowing friends, family and people in Plymouth to see what our competition and spirit squads can do.


Instagram: www.instagram.com/plymouthstormcheerleading/

Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/groups/962047901585743/

Twitter: @stormcheerplym

TikTok: @plymouthstormcheer

There are currently no upcoming events.
  • Season tops 2£15.00
  • Fleece 2£38.00
  • Fleece extras 2£4.00
  • Sheffield coach£47.00
  • Croc charm 2£5.00
  • Grad bow!!£18.00


  • Cheerleading Standard Membership£40.00
  • Cheerleading Committee Membership£35.00
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