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The 2022/2023 season has been full of exciting games with many wins, a few losses and a couple of intense draws. With a large intake of new players our club entered five teams into the local league, two teams into the BUCS tournament and one team into the university’s intramural league. We are proud of all of our teams’ performances throughout the year and hope to have another successful year with some new players joining our teams as well.  

One of our aims for UPNC in 2023/2024 is for members to have the opportunity to attend training sessions coached by a professional player or by a qualified coach in order to improve skills and enjoy high level game play. Members of UPNC are given the opportunity to play netball competitively by attending trials or join our superleague for a more relaxed game of netball 

As well as traditional social events on a Wednesday night, we would like more (sober) socials such as the UPNC Olympics, inviting old and new UPNC members to attend. In combining this with fundraising opportunities, we hope to raise £1500 for our chosen charity this year as well as completing 48 hours of volunteering. Welfare has always and will continue to be an important part of UPNC as we aim to assign one person within each team to be a wellbeing secretary. This person will make sure ALL of our members have got the support they need. We also want to encourage more members to take part in the “look after your mate” training as well as the new “Mother and Daughter” scheme within our club. 

Old Girls and freshers, we look forward to welcoming you all back to Plymouth and are very excited to see what the new season brings. We're excited to get our teams to the top of the tables and win some leagues this year with a fresh look to the club.

Can't wait to meet you all, 

Lizzy (Chair) and Megan (Vice-Chair) xx

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