Why Join a Group

Starting the new academic year is always busy, but make sure you take some time out to have a look at the sports clubs your SU has to offer. But why bother joining a club we hear you cry, oh just wait and see.


Learning new skills has a whole host of benefits; improves concentration, makes you happier, keeps your brain sharp and gives you something cool to talk about. Who knows, these new skills may end up being a huge part of your life one day.

Stay fit and active

By being a part of a club you are more motivated to stay active and keep healthy. They are great motivators to push yourself with your fitness and you get to do it with others in your club.


Networking is a great way to get kick started on your future career, the connections you make with people now may end up being crucial to your development further down the line. So expanding your connection opportunities beyond your lecture room is bound to have a positive effect on your chances later on.

CV boost

Employers will notice you more if you have unusual hobbies or interests that they can ask you about at interview, especially if those interests relate to your degree in some way, or demonstrate your abilities to organise or work as part of a team.

Stress reduction

We all know the saying - "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", well it's true. Do you want to spend the next 3 years getting stressed about studying, exams and deadlines? Having a hobby helps you to take time out from your study schedule and think about something else. Sometimes coming away from your studies for a period of time is exactly what you need to feel fresh enough to hit the books again.


It's safe to say that you will find interesting, like-minded people at societies, whom you might not have come across otherwise. Get involved in helping to organise the social events for the gorup and you will soon become a familiar face.


For a lot of people, confidence is something to be earned and worked on. Joining a society will help you develop your confidence and give you great interpersonal skills for use in all arears of your life.


A lot of people don't know what they are passionate about it - but without trying out new skills how will you ever know? It's ok not to love everything you have signed up for, but by signing up in the first place you are taking your first steps towards finding your passion.

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