
Plan 2022-25

Supporting your Plymouth student experience


The University of Plymouth Students’ Union (UPSU) is an independent, democratically led charity that represents the needs of the students studying at the University of Plymouth.

We have been on a journey over the past few years, investing heavily in consultation with our students, staff , trustees and the University to develop this new three year Strategic Plan. We have identified four key priorities to focus on, which alongside our core activities, will help us to deliver the highest quality student experience for our diverse student body.

We will still need to be flexible and adaptable to the changing environment around us and we will continue to consult with our students, but we are confident that being driven by our purpose and values will help us to achieve the changes outlined in our new plan which will meet the needs of our students.


Our key priorities


To help create a sense of belonging in our student community

A key element of a positive student experience at Plymouth involves building connections with others around shared interests, experience and identities. Our spaces, services and activities should support students to come together, and we should be clear and proactive in our approach to ensuring they do so in an inclusive manner.




To effectively represent the student voice

Our core charitable objective and the primary reason students are at the University of Plymouth is to gain a world class academic and educational experience. We will create a meaningful collaboration with the University that clearly acknowledges students as partners in their education.




To develop students mental and physical wellbeing

Students face a wide range of wellbeing challenges during their time at University and it is crucial that the Union plays a role supporting them to tackle these. Physical and mental health, private housing and student accommodation are all areas where the SU will have a positive impact on the lives of our students.




To enable students to have fun

The academic programme at Plymouth is rigorous and there are high expectations placed on students by both the University and by themselves. A good work life balance is essential. Students should enjoy interacting with the Union, and we should provide opportunities for students to create great memories and enable them to enjoy their time at University.


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