Activities and Events
Please note: These pages are for committee members of sports clubs and societies.

The activities portal is where student groups submit everything for their activities and events, including room bookings, trips, external speakers, transport bookings, emergency contacts for trips etc.

All committee members will have access to the admin tools of their webpage on and they are able to access the portal for the aforementioned. Please refer to the committee training which provided in depth instructions on how to use the activity portal. 


Frequently asked questions about events and activities

*Q What’s an external speaker?

*A This would be anyone from outside of the university coming to talk during your student group event. You must give us notice and information of your speaker, as they must be approved by the department before the event can go ahead. This information must be submitted through the activity portal 14 days prior to your event.

*Q How do I complete the external speaker form?

*A You must fill out the external speaker form on the activity portal. We need 3 web links about the speaker, for example their LinkedIn profile. Please don’t send generic information about the company they work for, we need to know specifically about the individual you are inviting to your event.

*Q Can I serve food at my event?

*A Yes, this must be added to your risk assessment. You cannot cook food on campus and must tidy the space after it’s used and take your rubbish. Please ensure you have allergens and ingredients on show for your members.

*Q How do I book large spaces like Davy Main Hall, or the SU?

*A You need to complete a room booking form on the activity portal. Please remember there is a 7 working day policy for room bookings, and no guarantee the space will be available!

*Q When do you need all of the emergency contacts for a trip by?

*A These must be submitted 2 working days prior to your trip or it will not be authorised!

*Q How do I request transport for my trip?

*A You need to put in a tranpsort request form through the activity portal. If you are hiring a car, you need to list the names of your drivers before we can book a vahicle. Please ensure they have completed the driver regsitration form here. Look though our driver policy as you need to have the correct number of drivers depending on the length of your journey! 

*A Please give us as much notice as possible to book transport. We will add quotes for the booking onto the activity portal, and confirm your booking on that system.

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