Large Scale Events
Please note: These pages are for committee members of sports clubs and societies.

If your student group is planning to run events such as balls, showcases and cultural events. We call these large scale events! 

Large scale events require a little bit more planning than some smaller events that your student group may run. Firstly you would need to consider whether you would want to host your event on campus or off campus. 

If hosting events off campus you would firstly need to find yourself a venue. You will need to consider your budget for this event and whether your student group has enough in your bank account to cover any costs. Events such as balls and cultural events may require food which may come at an additonal cost. With an external venue your student group is generally covered under their risk assessment, However, if you have planned some activities and games for your event you may not be covered so a risk assessment submission may be needed to cover those activities. If you are unsure please contact your relevant department. 

If hosting events on campus you will require more steps than hosting events off campus. However, your costs will be lower as you do not need to pay for venue hire. If hosting an event on campus such a showcases, cultural balls, conferences and balls you firstly need to think about how many people you are expecting and if the room is suitable. On campus you have the following venues that you can book. 

  • Davy Main Hall 
  • Roland Levinksy Hall
  • The SU Little Room (The Main Room may be able to be booked in certain circumstances)
  • Lecture Theatres 
  • Sherwell Centre 

If you require food for your event you would need to hire this externally. The Activities & Sport team are able to help you with some recommendations. However, they must not reheat the food on site and will need to fill out a food indemnity form. 

If hosting large scale events on campus you will need to submit an activity on the activities portal with your room booking form. A meeting with the Activities & Sport department may be required to discuss your options and also some essential criteria. Be ready to discuss:

  • Dates
  • Times
  • Expected attendees
  • Outline of your event
  • Risk assesment 
  • Whether require tech, a bar, security or cleaning services

Your risk assessment is a cricual part of your event and needs to contain details of your planned activities in your event. Please check out the health and safety training to help you complete your risk assessment. 

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