External Speakers
Please note: These pages are for committee members of sports clubs and societies.

*Q What is an external speaker? 

*A An external speaker is defined as individuals or organisations that are not part of UPSU or Plymouth University – this would include anyone from outside the University coming to talk to your student group. 

*Q External speakers – What is the process? 

*A The student group event organiser must inform UPSU if they have an external speaker attending -to do this an external speaker form must be completed. This can be done by using your student groups’ activity portal. Please ensure you provide the following information: 

*L Event Details (including date, time, number of attendees, open to the public etc) 

*L External Speakers name, affiliation (religious/Political etc), provide 3 external website links that the department will use for verification of the external speaker’s background and whether the external speaker(s) has attracted controversy in the past. Please ensure that this information is specific information about the individual you are inviting to the event and NOT generic information about the company they work for. 


As a student group you are able to invite speaker to come and give a speech at group events. If you would like someone to come and speak at your event you would need to complete the external speaker form.  

This rule applies to anyone speaking who is not a student or staff at the University of Plymouth.  

In line with the University of Plymouth's External Speaker policy it is our duty to advocate safe free speech. This is why when completing the external speaker form we as for information including three links about the speaker and the topic they are speaking within.  

If not enough links are submitted or the links you have provided are not suitable and don't provide enough information we will prompt for more links. Without enough information we cannot make a proper judgment and they will not be approved until a conclusion has been reached. Useful links include: Social Media Pages, LinkedIn, Newspaper Articles, Journal Articles, GMC Numbers, Website pages. 

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