Give it a Go
Please note: These pages are for committee members of sports clubs and societies.

General info: 

Try something new with no commitments!

Want to try something new? Connect with others? Stay active and healthy? Or maybe you just want to get involved in something fun?

Give It a Go is a timetable of low level weekly activities and one off trips and events, available to all students and staff of the University of Plymouth. All activities have equipment provided and have no commitment and low cost.

We're confident you'll find something you like, just buy a ticket and get involved.
If you have any questions about the Give It A Go timetable please email:



Running a GIAG session:

*Q Can my club run a GIAG session?

*A You club can run a GIAG but the session must be organized by the Social Sport Coordinator but can be delivered by your club. 

*Q What are the benefits of my club running a GIAG session

*A There are many benefits to running a GIAG session including: advertising your club and gaining more members, expanding the delivery of your sport on campus, gaining confidence as an individual to run a session, developing traits of leadership and organization.

*Q I’m meant to be running a session but no longer can, what should I do? 

*A Please either find a suitable replacement to run the session in your place and let the Social Sport Coordinator know by email. 

Attending GIAG sessions/activities:

*Q Can I attend a GIAG session If I am already part of a club? 

*A Yes, The GIAG program is open to all students and members of staff of the University of Plymouth. Just bear in mind these sessions are not extra training sessions for your club!

*Q Can my club attend a GIAG as a sober social? 

*A Yes, some of the one-off events that are run under the GIAG program are perfect as sober socials! These include trips to the Zoo, the Eden project and the Aquarium.  

Other FAQ’s: 

*Q I have a great Idea for a GIAG one off session, can it happen?

*A Yes, the program is always open to suggestions for one off or new weekly activities, If you have a specific skill or have a great idea then please contact and we will work hard to get these sessions on!

*Q I have some feedback that I want to give for a session I have attended, how can I do so? 

*A For the one-off events you will get a follow up email 30 mins after the event with a feedback form. For the weekly events if you have feedback, please email 

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