Please note: These pages are for committee members of sports clubs and societies.

General Info:  

A bit of friendly competition 

Designed to promote "participation through sport" at a semi competitive level. If you would like to meet new people, have fun and play sport at a level that is not too serious, then Intramural is for you. Anyone can enter into Intramural Sport, whether you play a sport for a club already or you would like to enter with a group of friends from your course, house, society you can. 

The league sports are 11 aside Football and Mixed Netball however we also have a variety of tournaments to look forward to such as;  UV Volleyball, UV Dodgeball, UV Badminton, UV Table Tennis and 5 a side Football. 


Getting involved: 

*Q Can we use our club’s money to enter a league?  

*A Yes, you can use the club’s money to enter a league, It is strongly advised that anyone involved in an intramural team from your club split the cost of the league entry through a product on your web page though.  

*Q Do we have to have played the sport before in order to enter a league or competition?  

*A No, although you must have the correct equipment in order to play. I.e. shin pads for football, court shoes for netball etc… 

*Q I don’t have a team, but I want to get involved, can I?  

*A Yes, there may be teams who have entered the intramural league who are just short of a full team. By contacting you will be able to find a team!  


Running an intramural tournament/league:  

*Q My club want to run an intramural tournament open to all students, can we? 

*A Yes, running an intramural tournament is a great way for your club to gain new members and advertise your sport! The Intramural tournaments could also be used a charity fundraiser!  

*Q My club want to run an intramural league; how can we do this?  

*A Yes, The intramural leagues can also be extended in to new sports and historically we have had, hockey, dodgeball and rugby 6’s intramural leagues on top of Football and Netball. Please contact the social sport coordinator by email to look in to this! 




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