Democratic Procedures
Democratic procedures have anything to do with ensuring that your student group is run in a way that allows all your members to have their say. They also outline the rules that ensure that your group runs in a way in line with the SU's guidelines. They also outline the suggested processes for removing a member or vote of no confidence (VONC).
*Q What is an AGM
*A An Annual General Meeting is a chance for all members of your Society to get together review the year, discuss any issues and elect a new committee for the following academic year. The AGM is a meeting that all members of a society are invited to and is held by the end of the academic year.
*Q What are the key things I need to remember?
*L Annual General Meetings (AGM) are compulsory for every society.
*L AGMs must be advertised at least 14 days in advance to all members.
*L There must be a quorate of 10% of the society membership in order for the AGM to be valid and take place.
*L The AGM must include a brief financial update for the society members & the future committee.
*L Minutes must be taken and made available to all your members. A copy must also be sent to Societies Team.
*L Check with the department for AGM deadline.
*L The online committee form must be submitted by the deadline date. Only the current Chair can submit and amend this document, please note there will be no amendments after the deadline.
*L All other relevant forms (see compulsory list) must be submitted by the deadline to the Societies Team.
*Q Where can I find more information about running an AGM?
*A Running an AGM
*Q Where can I find more information about running an EGM?
*A Running an EGM
*Q We are concerned about how a committee member is performing what should we do?
*A While we encourage you to ensure that committee members are supported in their roles and given adequate chances to improve in their roles. At times, members are unable to meet the needs of the role they were elected for. Please click the link to find out more Removing a Committee Member
*A Please reach out to the department for further support or
*Q We are concerned about the behaviour of a member in our student group what should we do?
*A All student groups should be open to all and the committee should endeavour to resolve differences between members. Unfortunately, sometimes students' actions break the code of conduct for your group and are unable to be resolved. Please click the link to find out more about Removing a Member from a Student Group
*A Please reach out to the department for further support or
Click here to ensure the correct process if you want to remove a regular member of your student group