Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Please note: These pages are for committee members of sports clubs and societies.

Annual General Meetings (AGM)

*Q What is an AGM?

*A An Annual General Meeting is a chance for all members of your Society to get together review the year, discuss any issues and elect a new committee for the following academic year. The AGM is a meeting that all members of a society are invited to and is held by the end of the academic year.

*Q What are the key things I need to remember?

*L Annual General Meetings (AGM) are compulsory for every society.

*L AGMs must be advertised at least 14 days in advance to all members.

*L There must be a quorate of 10% of the society membership in order for the AGM to be valid and take place.

*L The AGM must include a brief financial update for the society members & the future committee.

*L Minutes must be taken and made available to all your members. A copy must also be sent to Societies Team.

*L Check with the department for AGM deadline.

*L The online committee form must be submitted by the deadline date. Only the current Chair can submit and amend this document, please note there will be no amendments after the deadline.

*L All other relevant forms (see compulsory list) must be submitted by the deadline to the Societies Team.

*Q What do I need to do after my AGM as a society?

*L After your AGM, there is mandatory paperwork which must be filled out. This is all due by the 6th of May at 9am, and includes

*L Committee form - where you submit the names, emails, phone numbers and student ID numbers of incoming committee. You also inform us of your membership prices, with any on sale/off sale dates

*L Society development plan - where your goals for 25/26 are written, along with any support needed to achieve these. We use these to help you throughout the year, understand how to tailor our support, and create training

*L Inventory and Financial Plan - This is mandatory and must account for all equipment stored on site at the university, off site at external facilities, and any kit kept in student housing. We need this to correctly insure your equipment (if you have no equipment, please just leave a note on the form). Please ensure you list the value of each item, and the total value of your equipment. There is also a financial plan on the second tab, which will help your student group budget for the year ahead. While this is a “club” document, it is best practice for your society to fill out

*L Code of conduct and model constitution - the governing documents for your society, these help form the basis of your activity and set guidelines for how members should act. All societies must download and sign this, before sending them back.



*L This paperwork is all mandatory for next year, so please put some time into this with your newly elected committee. If we do not receive this committee form and paperwork, we will assume that your society has folded and that you won't be operating next year. Any questions please get in touch. 

*Q What do I need to do after my AGM as a sports club?

*L After your AGM, there is some paperwork which must be filled out. This is all due by the 6th of May at 9am, and includes:

*L Committee form - where you submit the names, emails, phone numbers and student ID numbers of incoming committee. You also inform us of your membership prices, with any on sale/off sale dates

*L Club development plan - where your goals for 25/26 are written, along with any support needed to achieve these. We use these to help you throughout the year, understand how to tailor our support, and create training

*L Funding Application - Online application form for the year ahead. This is allocated at the end of summer and will be in your funding accounts for the start of the year

*L Inventory and Financial Plan - This is mandatory and must account for all kit stored on site at the university, off site at external facilities, and any kit kept in student housing. We need this to correctly insure your equipment. There is also a financial plan on the second tab, which will help your student group budget for the year ahead

*L Code of conduct and model constitution - the governing documents for your club, these help form the basis of your activity and set guidelines for how members should act. Any changes to these must be submitted prior to your club AGM for SU approval, then sent back for us to re-upload after. If you aren't making any changes, you don't need to make us aware.



*L This paperwork is all crucial for next year, so please put some time into this with your newly elected committee. If we do not receive this paperwork, we will assume that your club has folded and that you won't be operating next year.

Please see all of the resources that you will need to submit for the AGM paperwork. The due date for this years AGM paperwork is 6th of May.



Please see the training below for more details about running your AGM

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