President Students' Union
The President Students' Union will be the lead officer in relation to governance of the Students' Union and will chair the UPSU Board of Trustees. They will also take the lead on Postgraduate student representation, representing under-represented groups across all Faculties as well as being a Student Governor on the University Board of Governors.
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President Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business
The President Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business will work within their Faculty to represent the views of students in the following schools; School of Art, Design and Architecture, School of Society and Culture, and Plymouth Business School.
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President Faculty of Health
The President Faculty of Health will work within their Faculty to represent the views of students in the following schools; School of Biomedical Sciences, Peninsula Dental School, School of Health Professions, Peninsula Medical School, School of Nursing and Midwifery, and School of Psychology.
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President Faculty Science and Engineering
The President Faculty of Science and Engineering will work within their Faculty to represent the views of students in the following schools; School of Biological and Marine Sciences, School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics, and School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.
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