We're making changes to strengthen your voice Info
Resources for Staff

This page provides tools and resources for staff for use in supporting Student Academic Representation at a Programme, School and Faculty level.

More detailed information about how to elect/nominate and support reps can be found below.

Please read: Notes for Programme Leads - facilitating course rep appointment - This information does not need to be shared with students, this is to support academics in the facilitation of the Course Rep appointments.

Academic Rep Code of Conduct


Allocating a Course Rep

  • Thinking of becoming a Course Rep - This document should be shared first, as it introduces the concept of the role of a Course Rep. Please share this with your students during initial conversations regarding Course Rep recruitment.
  • Course Rep information - further details - Share/present this document second, as it expands further on the responsibilities of a Course Rep. This should be shared prior to the appointment.
  • Course Rep Handbook 2024-25 - Please view the 23/24 Course Rep handbook. This will be sent to all Course Reps at the beginning of the academic year.
  • Course Rep role profile - Please send this document to all students so they can consider volunteering for the role and understand what the Course Rep role entails. Note, that the Course Rep role is unpaid and is voluntary.


School Reps

School Reps represent the academic interest of every student in their respective Schools. They work closely with the Course Reps and provide feedback both at a School and Faculty level.

The School Reps for the 24/25 academic year are:

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business

  • School of Art, Design and Architecture - TBC
  • Plymouth Business School - Amy Ferrary (amy.ferrary@students.plymouth.ac.uk)
  • School of Society and Culture - Tariq Ali (tariq.ali@students.plymouth.ac.uk).

Faculty of Health

  • Peninsula Dental School - Emily Akister (emily.akister@students.plymouth.ac.uk)
  • Peninsula Medical School - Rickie Down (rickie.down@students.plymouth.ac.uk)
  • School of Biomedical Sciences - Lizzie Morrish (elizabeth.morrish-1@students.plymouth.ac.uk)
  • School of Health Professions - Isha Waseem ( isha.waseem@students.plymouth.ac.uk)
  • School of Nursing and Midwifery -
  • School of Psychology - Aelenor Berry (aelenor.berry@students.plymouth.ac.uk)

Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • School of Biological and Marine Sciences- Kate Inman (kate.inman@students.plymouth.ac.uk)
  • School of Engineering, Computing and Maths- TBC
  • School of Geography, Earth, and Environmental Sciences - Adam Holt (adam.holt@students.plymouth.ac.uk)



Rep names and E-learning

Course Reps should be elected annually for each stage of each programme. The same individuals may stand for the role in consecutive academic years but should be re-selected annually to ensure other students have opportunity to be reps. All Course Rep information needs to be shared by lecturers passed through the following form by Friday 11th October 2024 at the latest.

Please note that for the 24/25 academic year, all Course Rep names need to be passed through the following form, not a spreadsheet: https://forms.office.com/e/qL1SvyTDsy. This spreadsheet will then be shared with the Faculty Admin. This is to be used by staff and not students.

This will ensure that we are aware of all Course Reps - any rep names that have not been passed through our form we will be unaware of and will therefore not receive the training.



Rep Training

In-Person Training Sessions

Dates for in-person training sessions will be circulated at the beginning of the academic year.


Mandatory Online Training

GDPR Training


Additional Useful Training

We do share a range of additional resources and training options with Course Reps, these include;

Supporting the Wellbeing of Yourself and Peers

Consent eLearning

Bystander Intervention eLearning

Example questions that Course Reps are encouraged to ask their cohort before meetings



Other useful information

The academic representation structure follows a pyramid system. The student body feedback to the Course Reps who deal with programme level feedback. Relevant information is then passed on to the School Rep. School Reps then communicate with the Faculty Lead Rep and the VP Education.

The Faculty Lead Rep is a Sabbatical Officer who is responsible for representing students within high level University meetings, such as the Faculty Teaching Learning and Quality Committee (FTLQC).The Faculty Reps for 24/25 are;

  • Darcie Jones (VP Education) - Faculty Rep for Health.
  • Krupa Naik (VP Wellbeing & Diversity) Faculty Rep for Science and Engineering.
  • Josh Frost (VP Activities) - Faculty Rep for Arts, Humanities and Business.

If feedback needs taking further then the VP Education will raise necessary items at ULTQC. Sabbatical Officers also attend University Senate.



Useful SU links 

There are a number of activities that the SU runs that may be of interest to you and your students, click on the links below to find out more

Beacon Awards - our annual student led-teaching awards. that celebrates the work of students through their extra-curricular activities, their academic representation work and the recognition of the fantastic staff that support them.

SU Buddy Scheme - an informal peer-led social support that aims to boost wellbeing and combat loneliness. If you know of a student that may benefit from some company, or who would be a great buddy, then direct them to the Buddy Scheme.

Give it a go - Low cost, no commitment physical activity sessions.

Student Groups - we support a wide range of academic and social socieities and always welcome students in starting more! 

SU Advice Centre - free, confidential advice ranging from academic and disciplinary processes to student finance, consumer rights, and tenancy checking.



We are here to help 

Successful academic representation relies on effective collaboration between students, academic and professional support staff and the students’ union. If you have any feedback, queries or developmental ideas relating to student representation or the services offered by the students' union, please contact us 

Email: studentvoice@su.plymouth.ac.uk